Interesting conversation with Aimaan this morning.
He doesn't want to grow up, because life is getting harder. (wow, its true...its really true). I laughed and told him that everyone will grow up and that's the life everyone have to go through.
Told him that if i'm getting older (of course i'm joking. Allah kan ada, Allah will take care of me)" I would need someone to take care of me. And you have to go to work, send your kids to school, and do other stuff. That's why you have to grow up."
The funny part is - he told me he can take care of me, but getting kids ready to school will be done by his wife, and he don't know who is his wife. that's the problem. LOL.
Told him that the time will come. And May Allah guide him to choose a solehah wife & to his coolness of his eyes.