I keep thinking what to write to make sure I can actively blog..until I read someone's blog what she did for this year 2011.
Well,thanks to her idea... for me to start of, this is some of what happened this year.. let me list 10...
1) We enrolled our son into Islamic kindergarden (after 2 years in normal kindie). When we enrolled him, there was some dissatisfaction from some family members on why we want to send him there..and not why to other conventional kindie. Syukur to Allah, my hubby didn't object my intention, well he also agreed that our son also need education in Islam. Well, what I must say, Alhamdulillah.. after a year, he knows rukun solat, can recite 3 Quls, Alfatihah, few doas (before & after eat, before & after entering toilet, etc) few short surahs, and he fasted for 17 days in Ramdahan! The outcome - Alhamdulillah.. hope he will be given hidayah to ease his learning in Islamic values and other subjects as well. And we feel that we did a right decision to send him there.
2) We had a splendid holiday- an east coast tour from KL-> Pahang->Terengganu-> Kelantan>Perak and back to KL. It was tiring, but it was fun. The thing that we did enjoy is the scenery along the way, kids tantrum, food, meet up with my cousin, beach holiday. Conclusion: It was awesome! Kids & us enjoyed it too.
3) A test for our family. Hubby, Aimaan & Ayesha was infected with dengue fever. Thank God I was not infected. It was really mentally & physically tough. And really, it was a challenging time for us, my parents. With Aimaan crying for the itchiness the whole night, he couldn't sleep & we couldn't sleep. It was really a tense moment. Ya Allah..only Allah knows how we feel. Stayed in hospital for 8 days.. (Hubby warded for 3 days, Aimaan 5 days & Ayesha 8 days). Pity little girl also don't know what's going on. Before they were admitted, we went to the emergency twice- the fever didn't subsided at all, and kids were send back home. Alhamdulillah- all of them recovered and may Allah protect us from this calamity again.
4) I tried my luck for a job (no, i didn't job hunt) - didn't really expect it, but I got the job. I tendered, again, I didn't expect my bosses will do the counter offer me. And I accept the counter offer. Maybe its written that I should work for few more years here, I suppose. Well, coincidently, another colleague of mine got job offer & he was also countered- offered. This lead to what i call- the worst experience in my working life. I cried and had a very bad headache because of this. Think its not worth writing about it. Let it flow out from my memories. But now, i am not talking to this person who scratched my working record. Don't.Care.
5) My hubby and I registered for hajj this year. Given date is 2040. Hope Allah ease our intention to perform hajj at young age. and this give me an idea..that we should save up money for our children so that the can perform hajj when they are young. Few of my friends performed hajj this year and this really inspires me to save more for hajj. Insya Allah... Harap dipermudahkan untuk menunaikan haji.
6) I was fortunate to know a well known Muslim family from USA. maybe blessed. Learned a lot from them and hope Allah give my family chance to get know more Muslim scholar families and be close to them.
7) My lil cutie pie is such a cutie. She can talk, can read, recognize letters (alphabets & hija'yah), colors, sing & dance. (also scream, showing creative tantrums , and a trickster) Masha Allah...Thank you Allah for the wonderful gifts- Aimaan & Ayesha.
8) I want to learn something.. I've registered for Arabic class, but till now there's no call from the centre, for a class group. I've surveyed the masters class, but can't decided what I want to take. I just need to learn something- my BFF is gonna obtain her PHD soon, insya Allah. It inspire me a lot. I just need to learn something.
9) I start to enjoy cooking. Especially when my kids & hubby love it, made me to cook at home more frequent- with love. Secret for a good food, cook with love & without anger & ikhlas . and besides that, if possible take wudu', cover your hair & do zikr while cooking. As for me, i will also make sure my nails are short. Cleanliness is the most importance.
10) I learned not to accept every knowledge/stories blindly. I also in learning process, not to entertain gossips, and I also learning to be more patience with my kids!!